Page name: Pauly The Anthro-Dragon [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-04 12:40:20
Last author: Paul Doyle
Owner: Paul Doyle
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 8
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ALSO see: pauly the anthro-dragon RPG profile











NOTE: Pauly the Anthro-Dragon is in his rare, seldom-seen, emotionally-driven full-sized gold Doyle dragon shape. Size is roughly the same as Jak'edrac sel'Gury (who is 70 feet long).













































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2006-02-17 [Paul Doyle]: Must . . . use . . . thumbnails! o_O

2006-04-13 [I stabbith ye]: Second comment goes to me! Nice pictures ^_^

2006-04-13 [Paul Doyle]: Thanks :) I really need to update this, when I get the time.

2007-03-25 [Arwen Elf Friend]: I LOVE Pauly. He's adorable.

2007-04-04 [Paul Doyle]: Thanks! He's like a more intelligtent, more dextrous, less irritating and less servile blend of Goofy/JarJar Binks/myself. And he's also kind of sexy, which definitely helps :d

2007-04-04 [Paul Doyle]: Starting page update with the inks-completed "Whistle while You Work". Loading further pics here first, from now on.

2007-07-26 Paul Doyle: Testing . . . ah, good! If you aren't logged in, you may comment here, now :)

2007-07-26 R.Kitten: The interesting concept I find here with Pauly Anthro Dragon is his personality really comes across in these illustrations. He is someone you would want to party with. Not to mention the obvious sex appeal. The playfulness is what sets this apart from other styles using dragons. I love the interaction and that I am not looking at another fantastical picture, yet one that I can actually envision being a part of. Redundant, yes, however the point is driven home because this is the kind of banter I appreciate. Well done Mr. Doyle. I am a fan of Pauly now. And may very well have a crush on him!;~D

2007-08-15 Fran: wow now those are amazing,I love them...

2007-08-15 Paul Doyle: Thank you :)

2007-08-15 Paul Doyle: If anybody viewing/reading this from outside of Elftown is interested in possibly joining this website, please let me know. I have been mostly away from Elftown for several weeks now, which is the longest I've been voluntarily away from this website since I joined it in June 2003. Please realize this is NOT Myspace or Y!A, and has a lot of [Uploading Art Rules@wiki] along with general conduct rules. It is much harder to get onto this site than it was before, yet if you really are interested in this website, let me know. It's nonprofit, has no ulterior motive, and I'll be damned if I don't get my scaly ass back onto Elftown soon, since I have a large contest closing today . . .

2007-08-23 Mr. Troll Patrol Boss: I like the black and white sketch of your friend using the laptop the best! Thanks for including this link in your question!

2007-09-04 nora g: great drawings

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